The importance of washing new clothes

When you purchase new clothes do you wash them before wearing them?

Me? Oh yeah! I leave them in the bag until I have time to wash those babies.

Sadly there are clothing manufacturers out there that are using cheaper dyes that will bleed onto your skin and clothes and sometimes permanently staining the clothes. Now if you’re lucky the clothing item will have a tag attached to it stating that it will bleed, blue and red clothing seem to bleed the most. I’ve gotten into the habit of tossing in a color catcher sheet with every dark load of laundry.

Now for the icky side of why you should wash all new clothing purchases- human beings are walking petri dishes. From carrying influenza, COVID-19, E. coli, listeria or any myriad of viruses. I can’t begin to tell you about how many people out there that don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, I see it every time I’m in a public restroom and I do mean every time.

So every clothing purchase I make and bring into my home immediately goes into the laundry room for its turn through my washer and dryer.


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